since we found out

On July 11th 2023, Point2 Agent announced that they will be saying goodbye to Point2 Agent and welcoming Point2 Homes their listing service. This sent shockwaves across the globe as hundreds of thousands of real estate agents will lose their websites and all their SEO rankings on 12/31/2023. The countdown clock is ticking!!!

Days until we all lose our websites:

Who we are

Rob Kinnon and Michael Carbonara have been working together for over 10 years on Rob’s real estate websites hosted by Point2 Agent. Rob, a prominent real estate broker in Playa del Carmen Mexico and Michael, an authorized Point2 Agent web designer decided when they heard the news that they had to do something. Rob’s real estate business relies heavily on the agent handshake as do so many real estate agents in Mexico and around the world.

What we are doing

With the impact of losing not only agent websites but their ability to share agent listings on each other's websites via the agent handshake, we decided to build our own version of the agent handshake along with some of the other nice features that Point2 Agent offered along with many superior features that Point2 was lacking. So we started Realtor Brain, a replacement for Point2 Agent.

Our timeline

While the timeline is aggressive to build the agent handshake and other features before the end of the year, we have already started the process towards building an MVP (minimum viable product) for day 1. From there, we will continue to build out new features that realtors are asking for.

We encourage you to contact Michael to begin building your new websites so when our RealtorBrain listing website replacement is live, Michael can hook it up to your new website he has built for you. You can contact Michael at


This is where we stand up today:

Do not panic

Deciding to take action

Pick a name

Build a landing page

Find a development team

Come up with the branding

Improve the product

Finish the platform before the end of the year


Go Live 

How can you help?

To create a better solution that helps all of our real estate businesses, we need your help. We will be organizing events and video conferences where we aim to learn more about you and what you would like to find in our new platform.

We are looking for input for any and all real estate agents on what they like about Point2, what they disliked about Point2 and what features you wished Point2 would have built. We encourage you to fill out the form below with as much information as possible. By providing us with your email address, we will keep you updated on our progress and when we are having another webinar. We promise not to flood your inbox with emails. Also, bookmark this page as we will be adding more to this website including updates, FAQ’s and videos.

Tell us a bit more about your experience. Please answer these questions in as much detail as possible:

We look forward to having you all on this journey with us.

Keep me up to date

Leave your information if you want to be informed about progress and news. We promise not to spam you.